Our planning application proposes to demolish the 12 garages and construct two 2-bed bungalows, with overall softer and greener landscaping for the site to have a similar character as the neighbouring gardens.
We propose two bungalows of a traditional character In terms of massing and appearance. The height of the walls will be slightly taller than a standard garden fence, concealing it from the neighbouring gardens. The massing and height are subservient to the larger two story blocks of flats located on the southern area of the plot. We believe that our proposal to develop and landscape the space will benefit the area with a traditional appearance while also improving the local ecology and biodiversity. Our proposal will give a use to unused vacant scrubland and largely disused garages for much needed housing.
After a design stage environmental impact assessment using a method similar to that described by Home Quality Mark One, we believe that this development will earn enough credits to be classed as "Good" across a range of financial, wellbeing, environmental and social issues; with various areas identified to enhance and improve its rating to "very good" or "excellent".